Outdoor Kitchens
Granite has a role in outdoor kitchen themes
It’s no secret that people in Nashville love to cook outdoors. As more and more homes start to either have an outdoor kitchen built with them, or as people decide to add one during an expansion, design consideration must be given to the materials used.
Granite has been used in outdoor kitchen design for countless years, you can choose to incorporate it into your theme as well.
Typical outdoor kitchen theme elements
There is no getting around it – every outdoor kitchen theme in Nashville is going to have a big barbeque installation as the central element. In fact, many people choose the barbeque, and then choose the design!
For a true outdoor kitchen, you’ll need to build kitchen countertop space around the barbecue itself. This is where granite really comes into its own in the design as it can withstand high amounts of heat for sustained periods of time – it can tolerate your all day cookout!
If your design theme uses a big barbecue, or any other large and hot cooking surface, you need a granite countertop around it to resist warping and heat damage issues that are associated with lesser materials.
Other outdoor kitchen theme elements that use granite
The area around your barbecue isn’t the only place where granite can tie into themes for outdoor kitchens. Tables and other eating surfaces will benefit from being made of granite. This is because a properly sealed granite countertop or table is easy to clean – just soap and water. Think about how quickly plastic tables deteriorate in the heat of a summer in Nashville, and how dirt is ground into it: this won’t happen with granite.
When laying down a granite tile for your outdoor kitchen, you can be sure that you’ll have a wide variety of color choices and extreme longevity. Having a granite countertop and a brick patio can be a contrasting look that makes your home look disjointed, use similar materials to give your home consistency throughout.
Which granite countertop or tile is right for your outdoor kitchen?
Our team at Stone World is ready to help anyone in Nashville, or the surrounding Tennessee area, choose the right pieces of granite for their outdoor kitchen. Our experts have lead homeowners down the path to a perfect outdoor kitchen in the past, with a strong design theme, and they can do this for you as well.